The turnover in Executive leadership in the healthcare market today puts medical centers at risk for instability and collapse. Now is the time to engage a professional Interim executive who will not only help to stabilize the tremendous upheaval that the loss of a leader inevitably brings, but to also leverage those very dynamics to create necessary positive change.
A leader is needed, with proven change management skills, that can assess the hospital’s economic & clinical position; identifying strengths and uncovering shortcomings, that will allow the interim executive to engage the organization’s key leaders to develop a clear vision that will enable its leaders and teams to set an absolute path toward moving the organization forward on all fronts. While every medical center is unique; transition management and transformational leadership experience has shown that a common need of medical centers experiencing a leadership transition, is the need to provide clarity about the organization’s mission, vision and values.
The Interim executive must have the sharply honed skills to quickly perform a gap analysis on such mission critical factors mentioned above and set in place a course correction road map. The acting top executive must then secure consensus from the board and commit to the top priorities. Then the same priorities must be clearly communicated; with urgency, to medical center leadership. Once all of the constituency groups are in alignment, everyone is now facing the direction of significant change. Joe Pimentel has the proven track record and abilities to achieve a stable turnaround and alignment.